Free Stock Photos

I take a lot of photos. A good number of those are sitting unused on a hard drive. So, today I'm starting to give them away.

You can download the first four now here or from the free stock photo page. They will be somewhat related to church activity as that is the context in which I take a lot of photos but I might mix in some others as well.

The images are all in 16x9 format and have a resolution high enough to make a nice wallpaper and display nicely on a 5k Apple Retina display.

The images are completely free and have no license attached to them. Attribution would be nice, but not necessary.

I'll plan to release some each week, so bookmark the page and check back or better yet subscribe to my blog updates at the bottom of this page.


Link Roundup for January 23

Here is number of fun and interesting things I've found while perusing the interwebs.

Which Coffee Chain Dominates Your City?
Coffee chains love the coasts and large cities. I didn't realize how much Dunkin' Donuts dominates Starbucks.

The Vatican is Digitizing All Their Manuscripts
Nearly 2000 years of church history and close to original manuscripts will be available for the public. You can even read them on your iPhone - well if you can read ancient Greek.

Retro Lego Sets - Nintendo, Cameras and More
One of the coolest things I've come across in a long time. Want to build an old NES complete with games and controllers out of legos? Here are the guides. You can even buy the sets if you don't have the pieces needed.

If Apple had Designed the Nintendo
Also on the Nintendo front... Imagine if Jonny Ive had designed the original NES. It might have looked a bit like this.

Man Attacked, Suffers Brain Injury, Now a Mathematical Genius
In 2002, two men savagely attacked Jason Padgett outside a karaoke bar, leaving him with a severe concussion and post-traumatic stress disorder. But the incident also turned Padgett into a mathematical genius who now sees the world through the lens of geometry.

A Mobile Phone Contract for Our Daughter

If you were to walk in the front door of the house I grew up in, your eyes would be immediately drawn to the fixture on the wall in front of you. And like many others, you would turn to me with wide eyes, pointing with a full arm extended, and ask "what is that?"

No, it wasn't a weird painting or mounted head or anything, it was much more horrifying.

A true old style rotary phone with bells on top that ring when somebody called. 

Why is it horrifying you ask? Have you ever dialed a full phone number on one of those things? The novelty is lost immediately when you realize you're dialing a phone number that includes several nine's and zero's. Five minutes after you started, your call is actually ringing. In fact I think it was faster back in the day when you just told the operator what number you wanted to connect to...

My kids however are fascinated by the thing. The rotary dial that spins back each time with its many clicks and the clanging bells when it rings are all things of amazement because they've never lived in a house with a landline. We cut the cord before they were born and haven't had a traditional phone in our home for many years. This was all wonderful and hasn't been a problem until our daughter was old and mature enough to stay at home by herself or babysit and now we found ourselves with a problem.

How will she contact us to ask how to put out a grease fire?

Now every parent must weigh if and when they will provide their children a mobile phone. Our rational (or irrational based on your view) for doing so now are several things. Its not gospel and I'll admit the first one is probably the main reason (though number four is a close second...)

Convenience: It's very easy and comforting to be able to know you can reach your child or your child can reach you at anytime.

Cost: We already own the device and to be added to our mobile phone plan was much less then to buy another phone/system or landline.

Reliability: We have tried the wifi only route for awhile, and while we never had real problems, our internet goes out enough and the call quality was sketchy enough to make me nervous.

Motivation: To be honest she responds with positive behavior when threatened to lose her technology. (we work on heart issues too, but I admit to taking this easy route...a lot...)

Maturity: This is the kicker. If we didn't feel she was able to handle all the dangers that a mobile phone brings (as we walk alongside her) we wouldn't give her access to one. We've done all we can do to safeguard it technologically and we're working every day to safeguard her heart.

So with that, here is the contract and rules we gave our daughter when we gave her a mobile phone of her very own. This was inspired by Cameron Moll's contract he wrote for his son.

It's kinda long but this is kinda a big deal.

You do not own this phone. Mom and Dad (mostly dad :) paid for the phone and pay the bill each month. It has been given to you to use and manage. Do good with it and you will find an incredible return on your investment.

Proverbs 3:9
Honor the Lord with the abundance he has given to you.

We understand that accidents happen. Both mom and I have dropped, scratched, and broken our phones and we were responsible to pay to get them fixed or replace them. You also will be responsible to fix or replace your phone if it is broken or lost. A case will be provided to you free of charge provided it doesn't have a weird hole in the back that shows off the Apple logo like a trampstamp.

From 7pm to 7am the phone will be in its charging station.

Mom and I love you so much and because of that we desire to make sure you are safe. Part of making you safe is to watch over you. When you were little we watched you every momement of the day. As you’ve grown you have gained wisdom and knowledge. We have granted you liberty to make some decisions and we don’t need to watch over you as closely. As you grow you will continue to gain more trust and more liberty. Because we love you and want you to be safe we will continue to watch over you online. Until you become responsible for living on your own we will have access to your device, logins and passwords. If you break our trust you will lose privileges and your phone. We’ll learn together and counsel with you on decisions.

Ephesians 6:1-4
Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. “Honor your father and mother.” This is the first commandment with a promise: If you honor your father and mother, “things will go well for you, and you will have a long life on the earth.” Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.

It may sound trite, but you really do hold more computing power in your hand than the entire Apollo 11 module that landed on the moon. Use it to do amazing things!

Prov. 22:29 
Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men. 

You've been gifted with incredible creativity and skill so use it and create, don’t just consume. Avoid the trap of mindlessly consuming others’ thoughts and productions. Leave an incredible “digital footprint” in this wonderful world you’re a part of.

Ex. 35:31-33
He has filled him with the Spirit of God, with hskill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood, for work in every skilled craft.

Always remember that real life is better than any photo, status update, tweet, story, or video you’ll ever find online. Exceptions include the DMV and sermons in which your dad is preaching.

Don’t photograph everything and don’t post every picture you take. Curate your photos and create something beautiful every time you post. Duck lips are "ew."

Digital technologies “need to be our servants, not our masters” (M. Russell Ballard). Be a master of the technology at your disposal. Not just your phone, but all technology. Don't allow your device to become an idol or become the end all in your life.

1 Corinthians 6:12
You say, “I am allowed to do anything” — but not everything is good for you. And even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything

Unless you become an CIA spy or a superhero, you won’t mask your identity in real life. So don’t do it online either. Use your full name in usernames whenever possible. Exposing your true identity is a great way to keep virtual behavior in check. Walk in the light.

Ephesians 5:11-14
Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret. But their evil intentions will be exposed when the light shines on them, for the light makes everything visible.

Your words have incredible power. Use them to encourage not to tear down. Do not text, email, or say anything through this device you would not say in person.

Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue. 

Balance your musical tastes. Don't get locked into one style.  Be different than your peers and explore the greatness and beauty that exists outside the Top 40. Your generation has access to music like never before in history. Take advantage of that gift. (FYI, playing Justin Bieber songs on your phone cause it to lock and shutdown)

Do not use this device to view inappropriate photos or videos of others, and do not share similarly inappropriate photos or videos of yourself with others. If you encounter something inappropriate, delete it, or close it, whatever it takes. Just as importantly, make a mental note of the path that led to the encounter to help you avoid it in the future.

1 Corinthians 6:18-20
Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.

Related, “only say it or post it if you want the entire world to have access to your message or picture for all time” (David A. Bednar). Nothing is forever except for things posted online. This is possibly why your mom and I have never posted that rap video we made.

Proverbs 18:7
The mouths of fools are their ruin; they trap themselves with their lips.

Always answer calls or respond to messages from Mom and Dad.

Be where you are. You needn’t check messages, updates or play games every minute there is downtime. Don’t divide your attention among those around you by projecting yourself elsewhere through texting or messaging. Give those in your presence the respect they deserve.

Learn to overcome the uncomfortable feeling of striking up a conversation with those around you! Unless its that creepy guy who keeps asking you out, try not to use your phone as a means of avoiding others.

Keep your phone put away during certain events in which proper etiquette demonstrates self-discipline, such as family meals, at the movies, at school, in church, and so on.

Lastly, use your phone to glorify God. Enjoy it for the good gift that it is. Create beautifully, laugh, encourage, be inspired and learn to love God more from it.

Link Roundup For January 16

Its Friday and these are the fun things you need to be spending the rest of your afternoon looking at.

Your Church Needs a Blog Editor
This blog editor could ask leadership to spend one day a week for 30 minutes writing a synopsis of the sermon or next step challenge. Then they take that content, format it and edit it for the blog, and post it.

Things that Get Under My Skin
If you've ever flown with your baby you'll love this webcomic/infographic.

Bloom Blanket
An amazing geometric shaped blanket that looks like it comes from the imagination of M.C. Escher.

Tony Anderson - The Sonic Architect
We use his music all the time for our videos. He has an amazing story to go along with his amazing soundtracks.

Magnetic Hangers
Hooks: good for pirates, annoying for clothes. The hooks on clothes hangers get caught in loose knits, get tangled with each other, break off, bend, and do all kinds of other irritating things. But what if we could get rid of the hooks altogether?

If you like these links follow me on Twitter for more of the same.

Three Ways to Improve Church Guest Services

One of my most treasured memories of high school was lunchtime. No, it wasn't the awesome lunch lady surprise or the super soft Otis Spunkmeyer cookies but rather a chance to get off of campus and go wherever we wanted.

Even though we could go anywhere, we had a few routines: Tuesday was Woody's Club at Woody's Wings 'n Things, Wednesday was Pizza Hut buffet and of course every other week, pilgrimages to my own house for "Ma Byers Chile."

My mom is the very picture of hospitality. Very few times growing up can I remember us going more than a few days without having someone in our home whether it was for a meal or to have a place to sleep. She loves having people over and people love coming over. My friends were no exception. Each time I would announce it was a "Ma Byers Chile" day there would be whoops a few "Ahhhh yeah's" and pats on the back.

And it wasn't all just for the chile. Our home was warm, inviting, and a place you always wanted to come back to. It was a place anyone could feel at home.  

Its that same feeling I want desperately for the guests at our church to experience. As soon as you walk through the doors of our church I want you to feel at home.

It doesn't matter whether you've been here 1000 times or this is your first time, you are my guest and I want you to feel like you belong, like you're wanted, like you're home.

So how do this? We're not perfect and we're always trying to improve our the guest services but here are a few ways we make all of our guests feel at home.

Treat Everyone like a Guest

We never call anyone a visitor, a regular or anything else. Every person who walks through the door is a guest.

Multiple Layers of Greeters

I want every guest to be greeted at least three times before they've sat down. So we have people opening outside doors, people inside those doors and ushers at the auditorium entrances greeting every person they can.

Abundant Signage

Our building is pretty straightforward but anytime you're in a strange place even the most straightforward buildings can be confusing. One of the things we've implemented is printing a simple map of our building from an overhead view and labeling each of the classrooms. We hang these at the entrances. Its called Today at The Creek.

Bonus: Have everyone that volunteers in your guest services attend a different church at least one Sunday during the year. This will help them understand what it feels like to be a guest.

Obviously there are many more things you can do to improve your guest services and I'll be writing more about these in the future.

Link Roundup for January 9

Here are some of the interesting things I've found. Now they're yours.

The Master Counterfeiter
A GQ long form read profiling Frank Bourassa who made nearly over $200 million in nearly flawless fake $20 bills from his barn in Canada.

The 50 Best Documentaries on Netflix
I love good documentaries so this list is is super helpful trying to decide what to watch next. The one that should have absolutely been on the list that isn't is Kevin McDonald's Touching the Void. He documents the true story of two climbers and their perilous journey up the west face of Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes in 1985. 

Has the Church Overlooked YouTube?
"YouTube is the most underrated and underutilized social network by church leaders and churches. When you consider that behind Google, YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, the Church is missing a huge opportunity to be found in those searches."

A Really Cool Square Stand for iPad
We used iPads at our church connect desk and I would love to invest in these stylish stands. So many iPad kiosks and stands are ugly and boring. Not these.

The Great Escape Room
A real life escape adventure game with secret passageways, hidden compartments and clever clues. You are your friends are trapped and have 60 minutes to find your way out. This is a theme park attraction that looks awesome. Wish there was one closer.

Honest Book Covers
This link is a bit self-serving but too fun not to post. I photoshopped some hilarious book title tags on the actual covers to make them a little more "honest."

One Year Bible Reading Poster

Last year we made a big push for the people in our church to read the Bible together. To make this as easy as possible we adopted a one year reading plan with specified readings for each day.

The readings were available in the popular Bible App, in our own Creek Church App, and small printed cards people could pick up at the church.

We encouraged everyone to read for the joy of reading and not to feel pressure to "check off a box" by doing the reading every single day. We specifically did not want to guilt people into reading the Bible.

Over the past year we had a lot of success with numbers of people from our church posting on social media and having personal conversations about the Scriptures because they were reading the same passages as one another.

We are again pushing this out to our church, and this time I've made a poster with each day's readings. It's formatted to fit an 18x24" size frame (anything smaller and it gets really hard to read) and has a very simple and clean style.

Maybe next year I'll make it into a combination of reading/planning calendar for your wall.

Tim Tebow – A Reflection

I wrote this a couple years ago and for some reason never published it.

While I've come to appreciate and love Peyton Manning (I even have his jersey) it still isn't the same. Don't get me wrong, I love winning and I hope we win a Super Bowl with Manning but even if we do I don't know if it will surpass the emotion of that Tebow year.

As the news broke that the Denver Broncos were signing Peyton Manning I could not shake a feeling of sadness. Even as the whole process has played out for the past week a cloud has been forming and in a sensationalistic way seemed to announce impending doom. I know that sounds over the top but it was a feeling I had and a feeling I still have. I couldn't really explain it until now.

I've been a Bronco fan for most of my life. I grew up in the Denver metro area where the Broncos were revered. We had "Orange Sundays" where we would wear Bronco gear to church. We had Bronco days at my elementary school where we could where the team's colors instead of our normal dress code. In Jr High and High School because of a concern of gang violence our school district prohibited wearing clothing of any professional teams except for the Broncos. Sunday's in Denver revolved around the Broncos and the rest of the week was the build up to kickoff.

There are several moments in the Bronco's history that I can remember clearly. The earliest memory I have of the Broncos is watching the 1986 AFC Championship game which featured "The Drive." I don't remember a lot but I do remember thinking it must not be that much fun to be muddy and to have to kick a field goal with a bare foot in the cold. I remember going to my uncle's apartment to watch the Super Bowl that year and I remember that not everyone there was upset. I later found out how traitorous it was that my aunt and uncle were L.A. Raider fans living in Denver.

The most exciting moment without a doubt is when John Mobley knocked down Brett Favre's pass on fourth down to seal the Bronco's first Super Bowl victory. I was in my first year of college so I wasn't in Denver but rather at a friend's house in Creston Iowa. Thankfully my best friend from childhood was also there and we had to be careful jumping up and down because the ceilings in the basement were so low.

The next moment as a Bronco fan that I can remember being as close to exciting was not the Super Bowl victory the next year but rather a collection of moments when the Broncos and Tim Tebow played the Chicago Bears this past year. It was a string of miracle occurrences that just do not happen. From a onside kick, to a player running out of bounds, to a fumble in overtime topped off by two fifty plus yard field goals. Even though he didn't kick it, when that game winning field goal went through those uprights I was hooked on Tebow for life. Those moments would only be surpassed by the overtime touchdown pass against the Steelers where I would again find myself jumping up and down.

I think the reason I'm not as thrilled with the signing of Manning is because I was really looking forward to going through a career with a once in a lifetime player - a franchise player. I remember having a conversation with a friend this past year and we were rehashing all the highlights and improbable victories and the media attention and I said to him - "and he's all ours."

Tim Tebow was ours. He was a star. He was a phenom. He was a national story. He was a weekly trending topic on Twitter - and he was ours. I loved being able to cheer him on with my kids. I knew I could point them to a role model who was not just exciting to watch but was about more than football. I dreamed of the years down the road where my son and I with our Tebow jerseys on would sit down together and watch our quarterback win games.

And here lies the dichotomy between Tebow and Manning. For all of Manning's greatness and even if he brings multiple Super Bowls to Denver he will never truly be ours. There is a special kind of loyalty that fans give to certain players. This kind of loyalty isn't given very often and in today's age of free agency is rarer. You don't often see fans give away their hearts to players but you saw it happen with Elway. And amazingly in just this short time you saw it happen with Tim Tebow.

I gave my heart to Tebow and the Broncos ripped it out of my hands.

Chinese Periodic Table of the Bible

A couple months ago I was contacted by a person from Hong Kong who had translated my Book of the Bible graphic into Chinese. I love the way that this looks and I am looking forward to working together to translate more of my graphics.

Click the image to download a high resolution version

Prints of the Chinese version are also available for purchase

Church Welcome Video

At my church my main responsibilities include communications and connections. The two often overlap and many of my projects have the dual purpose of communicating so we can connect with others.

We recently launched a new version of our website. One of the main focuses was to make everything as user-friendly as possible for someone not familiar with our church or church in general.

I've visited my fair share of churches and its always intimidating to go into a new place not knowing where things are. In fact I've pulled up Google Street View lots of times to make myself familiar with the surrounding area of a destination I'm going to.

With that in mind I wanted to create a video for new people to not just learn about what our church does but actually show them where things are. I wanted to answer questions like: What does it look like inside? Where do I go if I have kids? Where are the restrooms?

If we can give people more confidence about what they're getting into and get them excited at the same time then we've accomplished our goal.

One of the keys for this video was to shoot it live on a Sunday morning. I wanted potential visitors to actually see how everything looks and what is happening. We could have shot it in an empty building and controlled the environment more but you would lose a ton of energy and authenticity.

While we have a very talented film maker at our disposal (Stover Films – check out some of their other awesome work) you don't need to have professionals to do this. Shoot a simple video with your phone's camera. Visitor's having access to see what they're getting into would love you for it.

  • We shot the video on a Canon C100.
  • I wore a wireless lapel mic. (While we didn't use it on this shoot, the Rode Smartlav which plugs into your iPhone is an amazing and affordable option.)
  • The music was licensed from The Music Bed
  • Video was edited in Final Cut Pro X
  • I color graded it  using a VSCO perset in Adobe Lightroom

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.