For the Boys

Mia and I were watching Hannah Montana this morning and a commercial came on for a show on Disney's new network (XD) which is primarily aimed at boys.
Before the commercial was over Mia turned to me and said with disdain in her voice, "Dad, would you watch that movie?"
I said, "Sure."
"Well, I wouldn't."
"Why not?"
"Because its for boys." And she emphasized the word boys like the evil disgusting creatures we are.

Kudos to the Disney marketing group.

Valentines Day 2009

I love Valentines day and I really dislike Valentines day.
First, why do I dislike it?  I really can't stand the fact that we (guys - and to some extent girls) are pressured into expressing some sort of mega-love and affection on one particular day.  I always feel that if we don't do something spectacular or if I don't come up with the world's most creative date then somehow I have failed.  I guess I also feel a little guilty because I know I should be expressing the mega kind of love on a regular basis.Read more


I've always had an interest in Israel but mostly because of the Biblical significance and how it relates to my Christian faith.  However in recent days I've been very intrigued by its history in the 20th and 21st century.  I've been absolutely fascinated by the Jewish people and their struggle to exist as a people and as a nation.
I recently have been reading books and getting documentaries from Netflix about their war for independence and then the 6 day war.  I guess what has fascinated me the most is how despised of a people they have been.  A good portion of the world would like to see Israel wiped off the face of the earth completely.  What I find interesting is that the world for the most part stands by and for the most part idly accepts those feelings.

I just finished reading Night by Ellie Wiesel which is a first hand account of someone who lived through the holocaust.  I can't remember reading a book that was so chilling and numbing.  Probably like much of the world thought at the time, my mind did not want to believe what I was reading.  I had the benefit though of historical fact, other testimonies, and the privilege of walking through the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem to aid my understanding.

Reading that book has given me a deeper perspective on what it must mean to be a Jewish person.  They fight against those memories every day.  And each new day is a fight to make sure it doesn't happen again.