Thanksgiving Wrap Up

We left on Tuesday and decided to drive all day to maximize our time out there. There were a few things that we were a little apprehensive about:

  • This was Jace's first long car trip - he would be tested on his sleeping ability
  • Our portable dvd player quit working
  • We would be making stops every few hours so Jace could eat
  • Last time we took a winter trip to Colorado we got stuck in Nebraska for three days.  That is a punishment no one should have to endure.

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If I Only Had the Time

I came across a video today that combines two things I really like - A Capella and Star Wars.  Strange, I know but work with me here.  If I could sit in front of a computer all day and just play this would be exactly the kind of stuff that I might produce - but alas real work has to be done.  So enjoy.
Its actually better if you click through the link and listen to the high-quality version.

Too Much Tinkering

Peanut Butter TwixWhy do candy companies screw around with perfectly good candy? Was there a problem with just normal Peanut Butter Twix? Was the cookie contingent feeling so left out you had to throw them a bone?
And speaking of my favorite Peanut Butter candies - how in the world did PB Max not make it? With commercials like this they should be in every convenience store in America and have several sub-brands right now. Man I miss that candy bar.

My Wish List

I always get a little panicked around my birthday or Christmas because inevitably people will be asking "What do you want?" First, I always feel a little sheepish because I really don't "need" anything and I really don't like asking for things. Second I never have the right answer for the right person. I don't know anyone that is super rich and the only things I can usually think of require at least 2 months salary. It's either that or a candy bar.
The conversation tends to go like this:

Gift Giver: "What do you want for your birthday this year?"
(translated - "please help me - I have no idea")

Me: "You don't need to get me anything."
(translated - "I can't think of anything you can afford.")

Gift Giver: "Oh come on there's got to be something."
(translated - "I would actually like to get you nothing but we both know that's really not an option.")

Me: "Hmmmm. I really can't think of anything I need right now."
(translated - "Come on think! There's tons of stuff you want. Doh!)

Gift Giver: "Really? Nothing?"
(translated - "Are you kidding me? That's all you got? Thanks. That was very helpful.")

Me: "Well unless you think I need a new LCD flat panel tv..."
(translated - I know you would never get me this...but just maybe if I mention it...")

Gift Giver: *Laughs*
(translated - "In your dreams.")

Me: "I'll let you know if I think of anything."
(translated - "I still can't think of anything and even when I do think of the perfect gift in 2 minutes I won't tell you because I'll feel like a greedy scumbag.")

Gift Giver: "Ok."
(translated - "I'll just ask his wife.")

So to save the world from this pain and frustration the internet invented "wish lists." The wish list is a list of items you would like to have from a particular website. The Amazon wish list is probably the most famous because they stock just about every product known to man.

This is the link to my wish list. If you have an affinity to give me a gift this year you check it and save us the awkward exchange.

My Wish List