The Adventure Continues...

Our House is SoldIn our ongoing quest for new realestate we had to take care of one minor detail - sell our own house. We actually sold it a couple weeks ago but I was wainting for the realtor to put a "sold" sign on it so I could take a picture and include it with this article.So our house is sold and thankfully we have already found a new house to move into. If everything goes well we will be out and in around the end of July.

I'ts kind of sad to leave here since we had so many firsts in the house. It was our first house, Mia was born and all of our first memories of her will be here. But it is very exciting to be moving to an actual "house" that isn't connected to anything but itself. Even though we owned our townhouse there is still something that makes you feel like it isn't completely yours.

Hopefully I'll get some pictures of the new place soon and let you all know where we are going.

I'm Sorry...

This is quite possibly one of the hardest posts I've ever had to write. I'm very emotional as I write it so if that comes out in a wrong way forgive me.
I need to make a confession to everyone that reads my blog. I did something last night that I swore I would never do. I've heard stories of others that had done it and I always said to myself "that won't be me." I saw youth pastors and youth leaders do it, but I was still in denial that I could ever stoop so low. My guilt and shame have gotten the best of me today and I can't bear it anymore. I need to confess.

I signed up for a myspace account...

Don't judge me all at once. I fought this with everything I had, and in one moment last night all of my willpower came crashing down. I sat in front of the computer with glazed eyes and couldn't help myself. Throughout the late hours of the night I was in deep in a myspace frenzy editing my profile, feverishly searching for old high school friends, wondering when I would quit being a "myspace loser" and actually get some friends, trying to figure out how in the world to get a song on my profile, and finally figuring out that clicking "home" at the top of the page lets you edit stuff.

So there you have it. My confession. I deeply regret my actions. One piece of advice: never say it won't happen to you-because before you know it you'll be in up to y'ur neck! For those of you who want to see the incarnate evil that is my myspace page, click here.

Spring Cleaning

As you have noticed, the site has a fresh new look. I've been using Blogger for the last year or so and I think I am ready to graduate to bigger and better things. Enter Word Press. It is a free publishing platform that is very easy to use and has tons of really cool features and extensions.
Scottsbluff, NE You'll notice that you can now view all of our photos on the site again due to a sweet plug in that pulls our Flickr data into the site. There is also a [insert supurlative here] feature that allows y'all to view the pictures in the posts in a whole new way. Click on the pic to the left and prepare to have your world rocked!

Those of you who subscribe by email and rss should be getting the new posts in your inbox as well. The previous feed broke. If you aren't receiving regular updates after this please let me know so I can fix the problem.

We're having a garage sale this weekend and while normally I am a very optimistic person I don't think more than 10 people will show - but hopefully I'm wrong. Mickie's family is coming up so I'll at least get some golf in for the first time this year. My goal is to not lose all my balls and to legitimately break 110. My father-in-law got some brand new Taylor Made irons a couple months ago so I'll probably be drooling all over myself.

Wow, who would have thought President Logan was that shrewd? Was the lame duck stuff all an act??? I have to hand it to 24 - you got me again...

Email Subscriptions

I have been having trouble with the service I use to send out my newsletter to those of you who have subscribed via email. I have switched the service and hopefully you will be getting your regular updates in your email inbox.
If you would like to know whenever the blog is updated, enter your email in the form to the right.

New Photos and Video

Just wanted to let everyone without rss know that there are new photos on Flickr to view and there is a new video on our site to view. I have been having some issues with the video player not refreshing itself, so you may need to clear out your temporary internet files and then refresh your page in order to view.
That would probably be a good thing for a lot of you to do anyway. If you are using IE click on "tools" in the menu bar the click "internet options." This will open up a dialog box. Right in the middle is a button that says "delete files." Click that and then click ok when it prompts you to. All done. Go to the video page and refresh and you should see the new video.

I am working on some sort of better alternative for the future.

New Videos

I have just posted several new videos in the video gallery. Guess who they star? This is sort of experimental and there a few bugs I am still working out - so be patient. The videos are optimized right now for broadband connections. Sorry to those of you with dial-up. I will work on getting a dial-up section as well. For now it is my way of trying to push everyone forward to better technology. The world is so much better with broadband... Anyway, enjoy.

The iPod Cometh

It is finally here. I would have posted sooner, but I was too busy uploading my entire music library... now what do I do with the other 54 gb?
Needless to say it is a beautiful piece of equipment. My expectations were pretty high and I am glad to say that they have been exceeded. I don't know what I like better, listening to it or looking at it.

The good people at Sitepoint were supposed to send me a 40 gb iPod Photo but unfortunetely they don't sell the 40 gb version anymore so they upgraded me to the 60 gb version. Very Cool!

The sound is great and it couldn't be easier to use. One of the best things is that I can use it in my car and its a pretty cool thing to have any song available without having to switch CD's in and out. I also like the fact that it displays the artwork for the album of each song. Not a big deal but one of the little nuances that make it hip.

The only thing that I have been disapointed with is iTunes. The program feels very clunky and is not user friendly in my opinion. Maybe I am just used to Windows Media, but I prefer it at this point. I like the layout of WMP better. All of your choices of album, artist, genre, etc are in expandable menus along the side as opposed to iTunes at the top. iTunes is also a lot slower and uses more memory.

The music store is pretty cool and the podcast subscribing is off the charts.

So, all in all I am happy and I am really looking forward to a long relationship with my iPod.

Some New Photos

Mia and Regan at the LongsI just finished uploading almost 4gb of photos from the past year and beyond to flickr. There are 4 new sets that were not on the old site.

The new photos include: Caleb's Graduation, Abi's Graduation, Our 4th of July trip to Indiana, and our Summer Vacation to Winter Park.

You can view the photos by going here.


A New Era

So this is the first entry in the new blog...better make it good.
Greetings to you all! It's been awhile since we last talked. Hope everyone is doing great. The Byers household is slowly getting back to normal. We have had a crazy July. It started off with a trip to Indianapolis to visit our friends the Longs over the 4th. There was some good golf and a crazy wait at the Texas Roadhouse (another story for another time.)

I then broke my 26 year streak of not attending a funeral by going to 2 in 3 days. Mickie's aunt passed away so it was off to Missouri and then we went to Wisconsin for my grandpa's funeral.

We had a few days at home but then headed to Winter Park, CO for vacation. It was a lot of fun. I'm glad we were in the mountains with the 90 degree heat instead of in the city with the 105 degree heat! Look for a video of Mia's first Alpine Slide ride soon.

So now we are back to normal - whatever that means.

Mia is growing up faster and faster. She decided today that she needed to kiss Mickie and me (multiple times) and no, I am not complaining. She is really into the game of peek a boo as well. She will hide behind a wall, couch, or whatever and stick her head out and say "peek." It really doesn't get any cuter than that.

One last thing, if you subscribed via RSS to our previous newsletter, you will need to change your feed address. I was cleaning out my server and accidently deleted my entire newsletter...which contributed to the swiftness of this new design and format. Sorry for the inconvenience.

So, hope you enjoy the new site. Make sure to leave your comments below!
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