Visual Theology: A Guide to the Bible
About Visual Theology
A Guide to the Bible
We live in a visual culture. Today, people increasingly rely upon visuals to help them understand new and difficult concepts. The rise and stunning popularity of the Internet infographic has given us a new way in which to convey data, concepts, and ideas.
But the visual portrayal of truth is not a novel idea. Indeed, God himself used visuals to teach truth to his people. The tabernacle of the Old Testament was a visual representation of man’s distance from God and God’s condescension to his people. Each part of the tabernacle was meant to display something of man’s treason against God and God’s kind response. Likewise, the sacraments of the New Testament are visual representations of man’s sin and God’s response. Even the cross was both reality and a visual demonstration.

As teachers and lovers of sound theology, Tim and I have a deep desire to convey the concepts and principles of systematic theology in a fresh, beautiful, and informative way. In this book, they have made the deepest truths of the Bible accessible in a way that can be seen and understood by a visual generation.
Visual Theology Guide to the Bible is a multi-faceted introduction to the Bible, combining graphics and text to teach the nature and contents of the Bible in a fresh and interesting way. Intended for both new believers and long-time Christians, you will encounter familiar teachings from the Scriptures in a fresh format. Meet the Bible again for the first time!

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Praise for Visual Theology
A Guide to the Bible
This wonderful book will help you get your mind around the entirety of the Bible (and its impact on human history) through easy-to-access while theologically-reliable pictures and graphs. Whether you are Bible beginner or a seasoned teacher, you’ll find this book helpful in placing each story in the context of the larger one. The Bible is truly an amazing, God-inspired book, and Visual Theology puts its wonder on full display!
J.D. Greear
Pastor of The Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina
This book is a must have resource for anyone who teaches the Bible. Not only does it have great graphics to illustrate the storyline and teachings of Scripture, but the text of the book, the summaries and explanations, are an invaluable asset for your teaching arsenal. I know I’ll be using it as I as a parent to talk about the Bible with my children and as professor as I lecture on theology to college students. Yes, that’s a wide range, but this little book is just that good.
Dan DeWitt
Professor & Director of the Center for Biblical Apologetics and Public Christianity at Cedarville University
Challies and Byers have done it again. As we have come to expect, they marry biblical-theological rigor with beautiful design. With deep truths and illuminating art, this book will help new and seasoned Christians alike better understand the Bible’s big story.
Brandon D. Smith
author of They Spoke of Me and Managing Editor for the Christian Standard Bible
A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible is, literally, a sight for sore eyes.
It converts dozens of vital concepts about Scripture into visual images that make learning just plain fun.
Flip through the pages and you’ll be hooked.
Challies and Byers have turned looking into learning. Brilliant.
Gregory Koukl
President of Stand to Reason (, author of Tactics and The Story of Reality
What an amazing resource! We live in a visual world – what Tim and Josh have done is to combine the presentation of Biblical truth in a creative and practical tool that works for both seasoned Bible students and those who are new to their faith. There really isn’t anything else like this out there. The amazing graphics help the reader see and grasp the solid, Biblical truth that is being presented in the book as real and relevant to their lives.
Mel Walker
President & co-funder of Vision For Youth, Inc. and author of
Going On For God: Encouraging the Next Generation to Grow Up and Go On For God