Throughout my life I have celebrated various days. Some have real meaning, some are nonsensical. Some have been celebrated with others and some by myself. So I come to this particular day, and in reading this I am sure you are thinking, “hmmm, today must be some sort of special day to be writing a post about certain celebrated days…” Actually, no. I am just waiting for some software to install on my computer and thought I would write a little something. This is the first thing that came to my wacky mind. So today (which I am dubbing “Reflect on Various Days Day”) I will countdown some of my favorite days I have celebrated in no particular order.
- Talk Like a Pirate Day – I can’t say I have officially celebrated it on it’s specific day but I wanted to once I read about it…arrrr.
- NFL opening Sunday – I really don’t care who is playing, I’m just excited that the America’s pastime is finally back – Go Broncos!
- Karate Wednesday – This was a favorite in high school. During periods 3 and 4 at various times we would let loose our best karate yells and chants of “wax on, wax off.”
- Christmas – Does this really need an explanation? I will reminisce on my all-time favorite present though. The coolest gift I ever received was my first video game system not from my parents as you would expect – but from my little brother. It was a Sony Playstation. Not only was it an awesome gift, but he saved for a long time to buy me that. Then it was stolen from my apartment…but insurance bought me a PS2, so, really he got me that as well. Thanks Bro!
- 230 Dorm Devos Night – Ahhh 230. Truth be told, every night in 230 was an adventure, but dorm devo night brought it to a whole new level. We packed 30 guys in the living room of an apartment for singing, fellowship, the planning of an “occansional” prank, a spiritual challenge and a weekly ritual, the buck buck. A couple memorable moments were when Dave King actually left his wonderful faith dinner on the carpet which had formally been in his stomach, and when the 300 lb behemoth Jeff Metheny launched himself from the counter top and proceeded to keep chiropractors in business for the next 60+ years.
- Woody’s Day – This was probably the pinnacle of the week in high school. Every Tuesday a group of close friends would congregate at Woody’s Wings and Things to enjoy camaraderie and hot wings. The funny thing is, I really don’t like hot wings but due to the mob mentality and peer pressure and just wanting to be part of the group I actually grew to like them…but only Woody’s wings.
- The second Friday in July (or sometimes the first and on rare times the third) – This was the first day of our annual summer vacation to Winter Park. Since I can remember,
my family has spent a week in July at our condo in Winter Park. The first day there was always the best. I would run around the place looking for any treasure that the previous tenant might have left behind. I found a shell necklace once, but that was about it. It was always cool to make the first trek to 7-11 to buy a Richie Rich comic book and coke/cherry/lime/whatever else slushy. I also could not wait to get to the pool and hot tub and try out my new rad googles I got from Yellow Front. It was also an interesting experience to go to the game room. Each year I would hope they would have some new games, and each year I got to play Ms Pac Man, and the same old reject airplane shooting game.
I am sure there are many more days I could write about – and probably will, but my software is done installing now.
It would be cool to hear about your random memorable days – leave a comment and enhance the blog experience for everyone. And if you can’t think of one…Make today special.
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YOUR WEDDING DAY, MIA’S BIRTHDAYyou couldn’t choose those days as awesome and cool so you choose Woody’s day and karate day?
Hmmm, should have seen this coming up …I was writing about days that would occur more than one time – things you could look forward to happing more than once. Hopefully I won’t get married again…